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sahih bukhari shareef urdu pro

4.4 ( 8304 ratings )
音乐 教育
开发 Abdulkarim Nasir
4.99 USD

Sahih Bukhari Urdu Audio Offline
*** Special Gift for Muslims in the month of Ramadan 2025 ***
Sahih Al Bukhari Urdu Offline

Sahih Bukhari (Saheeh Bukhari or Sahih Al-Bukhari) is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also known as the Sunnah. The reports of the Prophets (saw) sayings and deeds are called ahadeeth. Imam Bukhari lived a couple of centuries after the Prophets (saw) death and worked extremely hard to collect his ahadeeth. Each report in his collection was checked for compatibility with the Quran, and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established. Bukharis collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Topics Included in this App:-
- Revelation (کتاب الوحی)
- Belief (کتاب الایمان)
- Knowledge (کتاب العلم)
- Ablution (Wudu’) - (کتاب الوضو)
- Bathing (Ghusl) - (کتاب الغسل)
- Menstrual Periods (کتاب الحیض)
- Ablution with dust (کتاب التیمم)
- Prayer (Salat) - (کتاب الصلوٰۃ)
- Call to Prayer (کتاب الاذان)
- Characteristics of Prayer (صفۃ الصلوٰۃ)
- Friday Prayer (کتاب الجمعہ)
- Fear Prayer (کتاب الخوف)
- The Two Festivals (Eids) - (کتاب العیدین)
- Witr Prayer (کتاب الوتر)
- Dua’ for Rain (Istisqaa) - (کتاب استسقاء)
- Eclipses (کتاب الکسوف)
- Prostration (کتاب سجود القرآن)
- Shortening Prayers (کتاب تقصیر الصلوۃ)
- Night Prayer (Tahajjud) - (کتاب التہجد)
- Actions while Praying (کتاب العمل فی الصلوۃ)
- Funerals (Al-Janaa’iz) - (کتاب الجنائز)
- Tax (Zakat) - (کتاب الزکوٰۃ)
- Pilgrimmage (Hajj) - (کتاب الحج)
- Minor Pilgrimmage (Umrah) - (کتاب العمرہ)
- Virtues of Madinah (کتاب فضائل المدینہ)
- Fasting (کتاب الصیام)
- Ramzan Prayer (Tarawee) - (کتاب الصلوۃ التراویح)
- Layla tul Qadr or Laila tul Qadr (کتاب لیلۃ القدر)
- Stay in Mosque (I’tikaf) - (کتاب الاعتکاف)
- Witnesses (کتاب الشہادات)
- Peacemaking (کتاب الصلح)
- Conditions (کتاب الشروط)
- Wills (کتاب الوصایا)
- Jihaad (کتاب الجہاد)
- One-fifth of Booty (کتاب فرض الخمس)
- Prophets (کتاب الانبیاء)
- Merits of Sunnah (کتاب المناقب)
- The Companions (کتاب فضائل اصحاب النبی)
- Merits of Al-Ansaar (کتاب مناقب الانصآر)
- Expeditions (کتاب المغازی)
- Prophetic Commentary (کتاب التفسیر)
- Virtues of the Qur’an (کتاب فضائل القرآن)
- Marriage (کتاب النکاح)
- Divorce (کتاب الطلاق)
- Supporting Family (کتاب النفقات)
- Food, Meals (کتاب الاطعمۃ)
- Sacrifice on Birth (کتاب العقیقۃ)
- Hunting, Slaughter (کتاب الذبائح والصید)
- Al-Adha Sacrifice (کتاب الاضحیۃ)
- Drinks (کتاب الاشربۃ)
- Patients (کتاب المرضیٰ)
- Medicine (کتاب الطب)
- Dress (کتاب اللباس)
- Good Manners (کتاب الادب)
- Asking Permission (کتاب الاستئذان)
- Invocations (کتاب الدعوات)
- Softening the Heart (کتاب الرقاق)
- Divine Will (Qadar) - (کتاب القدر)
- Oaths and Vows (کتاب الایمان والنذور)
- Unfulfilled Oaths (کتاب کفارات الایمان)
- Interpretations of Dreams (کتاب التعبیر)
- End of the World (کتاب الفتن)
- Judgments (کتاب الاحکام)
- Wishes (کتاب التمنیٰ)
- Truthfull Word (کتاب الخبار الاحاد)
- Holding Steadfast (کتاب الاعتصام بالکتاب والسنۃ)
- Oneness of Allah (کتاب التوحید والرد علی الجہیمۃ)


- Topic wise Hadiths Categorised
- Mark your Favorite Hadees List as Favorites
- Auto Bookmark (Last Read)
- Auto Bookmark for Audio (Last Listen, time stamped)
- Easy Search Functionality
- Read Sahih Bukhairi Arabic and Urdu
- Read Sahih Bukhari Arabic, Urdu and English
- Tap Hadees to share its Text with Fellow Muslims
- Sleep Timer
- Change Audio Playback Speed
- Translated into Urdu Language
- Scroll to Next and Previous Hadees easily
- Fast, Easy and simple Navigation
- Stylish and beautiful Graphics
- Offline App Working (No additional download is required). Just install and start using immediately.

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